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Lunch: La Madeline's, RSVP by September 6 by texting Deanna Tucker at (619) 208-8700
Guest speaker: Allie Hunter - Amazon Fashion Blogger & Influencer ️ ️ ️
Guests are welcome! This is an open meeting. Please RSVP to rwlmembershipchair@gmail.com to receive further details on location etc.
Community Service: The Rainbow Room of Rockwall County
The Director of Rainbow Room, Carol Miskin, will be at our September meeting with a sign-up list for their Christmas projects. Their current needs that you can help provide are:
Kids toothbrushes
Kids toothpaste
Kids shampoo/body wash combo
Kids and adults' socks and underwear
There will be a bin available for drop off of these items at the meeting.
Rockwall Women's League
PO BOX 383
Rockwall, TX 75087